Dog daycare is the perfect solution for your dog if the entire family is gone for a long period of time during the day.
How Old Is Too Old For a Dog Daycare?

Dog daycare is the perfect solution for your dog if the entire family is gone for a long period of time during the day.
Who could resist those gorgeous brown eyes?
We can tell this little guy’s loved and cherished. What a cutie!
It is always wonderful when you can bring your dog with you on the road, but sometimes you have to travel without them, and that usually means leaving your faithful canine friend at a kennel.
Oh, the Indignity: A Bug, Bunny Ears and Easter
Man’s best friend deserves the best. Your feline companion deserves the best! In fact any man, woman, child, or pet that belongs to your family deserves the best. You work everyday to make sure you can take care of them.
It’s time for our photo of the day! How cute is this guy!
Every year, there are 4.5 million reported dog bites – almost half of the victims children under thirteen. To properly protect yourself and your children, it is important not only to recognize that bites occur – that even the most
Most people know that it is a bad idea to give dogs chocolate. Less well know is that there are actually a number of other common household foods that are also quite dangerous to dogs. Knowing about these foods and
As you’ve probably guess by all the cute dog photos here on Happy Healthy Puppy, we’re a sucker for a cute puppy. This guy was so adorable we just had to share. Photo by Jon Olav Eikenes on Flickr.